Choosing and Using a Copywriter

Introduction Traditionally, the role of a copywriter was to produce persuasive written content (known as 'copy') for ads, leaflets, sales letters, catalogues and other promotional materials. However, copywriters now offer a wider range of services, such as writing website content, blogs and social media posts to help businesses and other organisations appeal to their target audience or achieve a higher ranking in online search results. Some can also be hired to write press releases, business reports and case studies.
Here we explain how to find a copywriter and what is generally involved in working with them. It also indicates the likely cost of hiring a copywriter and provides information about the growing availability of AI (artificial intelligence) copywriting software.
Finding a copywriter Online directories of copywriters include the following:
The Procopywriters member directory.
The Content Marketing Association's directory of members.
The Content Marketing Institute's directory of content marketing agencies.
The Clever Copywriting School's directory.
Freelancer marketplaces such as:
Copify, which is a network of approved copywriters.
Bark, which has dedicated categories for ten different types of copywriting services, including writing website content, brochures, marketing emails and SEO (search engine optimisation) content.
Hiring a copywriter Because the term 'copywriting' covers a range of different skills, it is essential to identify the type of work that is to be carried out before hiring a copywriter. Many copywriters specialise in particular aspects of copywriting, such as SEO, social media, press releases or business-to-business marketing. Other copywriters carry out all types of copywriting, which may suit a small business that needs someone who can work on a variety of writing tasks and build a long-term working relationship.
The process of hiring and working with a copywriter varies, but it is likely to involve the following stages:
Clarification of requirements. The copywriter will ask the client to provide information about the business objectives that the copywriting is intended to achieve, any research that is required, and details such as how many words/pages are needed and the timescales involved.
Contract. In addition to specifying payment and cancellation terms, contracts for copywriting services usually set out the responsibilities of both parties. For example, the client's responsibility to review drafts and provide feedback, and the copywriter's responsibility to provide changes and revisions. Contracts also clarify who owns copyright in the content that is provided.
Brief. Once the copywriter is hired by the client, the copywriter will work with the client to create a detailed project brief, which involves a period of discussion and feedback to ensure that the brief meets the client's needs.
Drafts, feedback and sign-off. The copywriter will provide draft copy, discuss this with the client and invite suggested changes. When the client's requested changes have been made, the copywriter will provide a final draft, which the client should inspect carefully before approving it by means of the agreed sign-off process.
Cost Most copywriters charge either a fixed rate per project or an hourly or daily rate. It is rare for copywriters to charge per word.
In 2021, a Procopywriters survey found that the average day rate for copywriters was around £387. However, there is significant regional variation. In London, the average day rate was £436, compared with just £289 in the East Midlands. Rates also vary widely according to the type of work that is being carried out and the skills and experience of the copywriter.
AI copywriting As an alternative to hiring a copywriter, some businesses use copywriting software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate SEO-optimised blogs, ads, emails, website pages and other types of content.
Examples of copywriting software include:
Writesonic which costs from around £10 per month.
Copysmith which costs from around £15 per month. which costs around £40 per month but also provides free limited access.
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